Saturday, March 17, 2007


The country of Belize is situated on the Caribbean coast of Central America. The surrounding countries are Mexico and Guatemala. In the coastal waters of Belize lays coral reef and 450 islets that make up a 200 mile long barrier reef. The country covers about 8,800 square miles which includes forests, mountains, swamps, cities, and coastal areas. The rainy season is from June to November and the remaining part of the year is the dry season. Temperatures are warm with a mean of 70 to 80 degrees.
Belmopan is the capital of Belize, it is located in the central part of the country and serves as a safe haven from hurricanes. Belize city is the main urbanized commercial area. Politically Belize is cut into six districts; Cayo, Belize, Corozal, Orange Walk, Stann Creek, and Toledo. The country was known as British Honduras until 1973. Independence from Britain was gained in September of 1981. The government is a parliamentary democracy and has a constitution with a bill of rights. The system is comparable to Canada's government. Belize recognizes Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State and a Belizean Governor-General represents her. The executive branch is made up of a Prime minister and cabinet while the legislative branch consists of a 9 member senate and a 29 member House of Representatives. There are two main political parties, the PUP or People's United Party and the United Democratic Party (UDP). Elections are held at least every 5 years and any citizen over eighteen has the right to vote. The national motto, Sub Umbra Florero, means under the shade I flourish.
Belize current population is about 300,000. This number is made up of a diverse group of people. There are four main historically and culturally different groups in the area. Creoles have a mixed heritage of European and African. The Mestizos heritage is a mix of Mayan and Spanish. The Mayan people are the original people from the Belize area. Garifuna people are of African and Carib decent and were originally from the Lesser Antilles islands. Finally, a small percent of the population is made up of present day immigrants from around the world. English is the official language of Belize, but many people speak several languages including Creole, Spanish, and Garifuna. The mix of people and culture is a result of the history of the original people in the area and the influx of European settlers.

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