Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The End

Final – Option B

The world has not changed a great deal over the past 30 years. People are still divided by ethnicity, gender, and income then discriminated against on those divisions. We still have summer vacations and family get togethers. We have learned that our existence depends on the Earth and have implemented many ways to work with Mother Nature instead of against it. America is still the most powerful country. The institutions of society are still in place although there have been some shifts between and within the institutions. We have not been to war for 28 years and there are no major disputes that would lead to it in the near future. We are doing are best to live at peace with our bothers and sisters and share what mother earth has provided for all of us.
I am now 56 years old, I expect to live at least another 30years. My oldest child is 28 and recently given me a grandchild. My youngest child is 24 and is finishing up a graduate program in Australia. My partner and I did not get unioned until after we had all our children and never had the marriage ceremony. Back then we were rebels, but now that kind of relationship is normal. Men and women still have their defining features and specific roles in society, but it is much more integrated than it used to be. The differences actually help promote peace instead of breeding violence. The issues of ethnicity were really bad after the immigration laws in America shut out everyone who was not from a wealthy country. The backlash was intense and the riots along the Mexican border were like massacres. Then most of the high power government officials were thrown out of office and things changed the laws were rewritten we tried to help the people we hurt, but it is still a struggle to rebuild and integrate the cultures into one. Poverty is still rampant in our area and the homeless rate has skyrocketed in warmer areas. Most of the homelessness is by choice, so many people are trying to start from scratch to do things different or have just made a choice to live free.
We had a big scare and some really tough times about 10 years ago. Our energy resources were no longer available. We had been looking for alternative sources for a long time, but none of them were convenient or universal so they were not implemented. Finally, it got so bad that we were not able to live. Many people died and others could not maintain any quality of life. In order survive we used all the energy sources available. In some areas solar power was the best, wind in others, water in others, some bio waste and even nuclear energy generated by the natural power sources. It is still being changed in some places, but over all things are now running smoothly. We have learned to use everything we can and keep it going. There is no chance of running out because we have various sources. We are really taking care of the Earth we live in. The fresh water is being preserved and not polluted the way it used to be. So many factories were closed that people got used to a more natural and common standard of living. Everyone recycles, tries to reuse things, and over all consumption has been greatly reduced. All my neighbors have a garden and we share or trade things. Most of us sew our own clothes. A lot of people use public transportation, but own cars for special occasions. The fuel is produces by our own household waste. Things have definitely changed for the better, even if it is a little more work and partnership.
The government has changed because of the change in officials; most of the previous laws have been thrown out. We have freedom of choice in our daily lives. The main law is against direct violence towards another person or group. International relations are the main focus of our government and they are doing a wonderful job. We have a large military who mostly engages in peace keeping and community building all over the world including right here at home. Things have really been given back to the people.
The structural institutions of society still include the family, government, education, religion, economy, and the media. They are still the backbone of what we do and how we do it. Family, education, and economy are the most pertinent. The government, religion, and media have taken a back seat. They have their own purpose and place. They do not try to control individual lives. Family and education are the teachers of the ways of the world. We earn how to live at one with the world and to continue to become better people. The economy is a major factor in what we do and how we do it. Money is not as important as it used to be, but it is still a major factor in life.
No war! We have not had a war since Bush invaded the Middle East. We were after the oil that eventually spilled out into the ocean. That was the beginning of the resource and environmental crisis that sparked the devastation and eventually a change for the better in the world. Song Lyrics by AZlyrics.com.
Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try, No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today. Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for and no religion too. Imagine all the peopleLiving life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man .Imagine all the people sharing all the world.
Love is but a song we sing and fear's the way we die. You can make the mountains ring or make the angels cry. Though the bird is on the wing and you may not know why. Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now. Some may come and some may go and we will surely pass. When the one that left us here returns for us at last. We are but a moment's sunlight, fading in the grass. If you hear the song we sing, you will understand. You hold the key to love and fear in your trembling hand. Just one key unlocks them both, you know it's there at your command.